Hotline and Compliance News

OIG Enforcement Actions: April Exclusions & Notable Decisions

OIG Enforcement Actions: Exclusions & Notable Decisions from April 2019(May 10, 2019) The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG), has continued its goal of enforcing its guidelines and rules upon medical providers participating in their programs. The OIG has kept pursuing its goal of protecting the integrity of its federal health… more>>

New Evidence Shows the Efficiency and Benefits of Using an Internal Compliance Hotline System

New Evidence Shows the Efficiency and Benefits of Using an Internal Whistleblower Hotline System(April 4, 2019):  In December of 2018 a study was conducted by Kyle Wench (George Washington University) and Stephen Stubben (University of Utah) to examine the use and extent of internal whistleblower hotline systems within publicly traded organizations. This study was the… more>>

How Compliance Hotlines Can Save You Money!

By Paul Weidenfeld, March 4, 2016.  An essential element of all compliance plans is developing and promoting “effective lines of communications.” In support of that element, Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS/OIG) has been urging providers to adopt anonymous compliance hotlines since 1998. CMS, on the other hand, actually requires that Fee-For-Service… more>>

Why Timeliness Matters: From Hotline Tip Identification to Provider Case Closure

ComplianceHotline - Best Practices ComplianceHotline delivers reports to its clients one business day after it receives a call or e-mail from a complainant. What happens after the information is transferred is really up to a provider’s discretion. Best practices include following up with the complainant—if he or she provided contact information—or conducting an internal investigation.… more>>