OIG Guidance

How Compliance Hotlines Can Save You Money!

By Paul Weidenfeld, March 4, 2016.  An essential element of all compliance plans is developing and promoting “effective lines of communications.” In support of that element, Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS/OIG) has been urging providers to adopt anonymous compliance hotlines since 1998. CMS, on the other hand, actually requires that Fee-For-Service… more>>

Why Should I Screen Against Every State Exclusion List?

man overwhelmed by paper - state exclusion list

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued a Special Advisory Bulletin in May 2013, which states that providers can “avoid potential Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) liability” simply by checking the List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) to “determine the exclusion status of current employees and contractors.” This past fall, September – November 2014,… more>>

Gary Cantrell Testimony: Failures to Report Adverse Licensing Actions Leads to Gaps in the OIG-LEIE

HHS/OIG Deputy Inspector General Gary Cantrell testified earlier this year that States are failing to report all of the adverse actions taken by their Licensing Boards. He suggested that the “manner and time of the [reported] notices” are unreliable. Cantrell attributed these concerns to the “voluntary” nature of State reporting obligations.[1] I.  The Impact on Exclusion… more>>

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