Issues With New Website

New Website


On May 24th, 2021, the new website was officially published. These major changes came about when merged with to create a single website.[1] The initial goal of these changes was to further the capability and functionality of the website while improving the user experience. However, despite the project’s intent to improve user experience, the changes have led to an increase in confusion, difficulty, and complaints regarding the new issues with since the merger.

Inability to Search Multiple Names

The first issue with the new is the that you can no longer search multiple entities or individuals. With the new website, you are required to search only one name at a time. For those who are required to screen a series of individuals or entities each month find themselves spending a largely increased amount of time on the website. With the old system, users were able to search multiple (4) names at the same time. Now that the number has been decreased to 1, users must search names at a multiple of 4 compared to the old system.

Increased Number of Results

The second issue with the new website is an increased number of results. In the past, the system produced a far more limited number of results per search. However, with the new website, even when searching an uncommon name such as “Kip McGuire”, the system garners 319 results spread out over 13 pages. This second issue with the new website, coupled with the inability to search more than 1 name at a time has led to an exponential gain in the amount of time it takes to fulfill your GSA SAM monitoring requirements.

Before moving on to additional issues and complaints of the new website, it is important to note that Exclusion Screening. LLC has built its proprietary Exclusion Screening Platform, SAFER, to directly combat these issues. In comparison to the new website, SAFER allows for you to screen multiple individuals against the GSA SAM while receiving less, more streamlined results. Furthermore, our system offers a fully automated service that removes the need for multiple searches and second level verifications for you and your team.

New websiteAre you unsure your screening requirements depending on your business and location?  Our FREE Consultation has you covered. It includes: An overview of exclusions in addition to an overview of your specific requirements and obligations. Furthermore a demonstration of our product and service (SAFER) will be performed prior to a presentation of your personalized solutions. This consultation is a free of charge consultation for your benefit only!

More Complex Dichotomy

The new website has also introduced a more complex dichotomy for the search function. To receive the most specific search results on the website, you must now further filter your search by domain and federal organization, when relevant. When running a search, the user must decide whether they are looking for Contract Opportunities, Assistance Listings, Entity Information, Federal Hierarchy, or Wage Determinations. For those who are looking to search for Exclusions, there is no clear set option. Once again, those who are looking to run searches must spend extra time determining and choosing the best domain option for them.
For those who are unable or do not choose a specific domain, there will be, as I previously mentioned, an extremely high number of results. To reiterate, when screening an uncommon name such as “Kip McGuire” without a defined domain, there are over 300 names and 13 pages of results of potential matches.

Lack of Knowledge

The final issue that this article will cover is that there was a lack of publication and information shared regarding the website’s changes. Although there was an article posted on the old website about the new website, there still seemed be a surprise or even shock amongst those who use the website when the changes were made final. Without users having proper notice about the new website, they were unable to plan or adjust their screening/monitoring plans for the future.


The new website has caused issues, stress, and concern for those who become accustomed to the old system. Unfortunately, the changes have increased the amount of time it takes to complete the monitoring process without impacting the requirement to screen. Therefore, users have been put in the position where they must spend additional time each month to remain compliant. However, Exclusion Screening, LLC does offer both a full service and software only solutions to these issues. With our system, there is no limit to the number of names you can screen at a single time. Furthermore, our system allows the user to screen multiple databases at once. What this means is rather using multiple websites to fulfill the screening requirements of different lists and databases, you can actually search multiple databases such as GSA SAM, OIG LEIE, and State Medicaid lists all at once in a single location. To learn more about our services and solutions, please fill out the form below.

