Auditing a Compliance Hotline Provider

Compliance Hotline Auditing

Under the Affordable Care Act, medical service providers must establish compliance programs to enroll in the Federal health care programs. HHS has neither issued regulations on the core requirements of these compliance plans nor set a date for mandatory compliance. Providers, however, should consider adopting a compliance hotline program prior to the mandate not only because a requirement is imminent, but also to prevent fraud and demonstrate good faith.

Elements of an Effective Compliance Program

One of the seven elements of an effective compliance program is developing open lines of communication. CMS recommends that lines of communication run in multiple directions and include a process for anonymous reporting to provide an outlet for employees who may fear retaliation.

Many providers utilize an outside vendor to facilitate anonymous reporting. If you elect to use an outside vendor, you should choose a well-managed hotline that is focused on the health care sector. In addition, your organization should periodically audit the hotline to measure its effectiveness.

Considerations of a Compliance Hotline Auditing

When auditing a compliance hotline vendor you should consider (a) does the hotline have established policies and procedures, (b) how is the hotline managed, and (c) does the hotline meet its goals.

Some questions you might use to review the hotline’s management, operation, and effectiveness include:

  1. Does the hotline follow its established policies and procedures?
  2. Do the policies discuss how to document and follow-up calls?
  3. Does the hotline act on calls and/or emails promptly?
  4. Does the hotline follow up with callers who provide contact information?
  5. Are hotline administrators properly trained to answer calls and ask appropriate questions?
  6. Does your department tasked with reviewing hotline reports receive reports in a timely manner?
  7. Are the reports provided by the hotline detailed enough to allow your organization to follow up and investigate?
  8. Is caller anonymity being protected?
  9. Are hotline files protected?

In addition, you should also evaluate your office’s internal use of the hotline by considering the questions below.

  1. Are employees aware and reminded that the hotline is available?
  2. Does the department tasked with handling reports follow up properly?
  3. Are your employees using the hotline?
  4. Do employees seem confident about the effectiveness of the hotline?
  5. Does the department handling hotline reports file and protect reports appropriately?

If you answered “no,” to one or more of these questions, it may be time to consider a new vendor. Call Exclusion Screening, LLC today to discuss our ComplianceHotline, which is staffed by Certified Medical Compliance Officers, today at 1-800-294-0952.

Compliance Hotline Auditing

Ashley Hudson, Associate Attorney at Liles Parker, LLP and former Chief Operating Officer for Exclusion Screening, LLC, is the author of this article.

Excluded Individual Conducts Elaborate Health Care Fraud Scheme



The owner of a New Jersey ambulance company was indicted for health care fraud in mid-August of 2015. The owner was excluded from participation in the federal health care programs after being convicted of defrauding New Jersey health care programs in 2003. This is just the latest in a steady stream of health care related enforcement actions by state attorney generals.


New Jersey prosecutors allege that the provider has been the owner and operator of a New Jersey ambulance company to which Medicare and Medicaid have paid out a combined $7.5 million since 2010. The provider allegedly hid his involvement in the company by paying employees in cash. The defendant has owned and operated the ambulance company since 2005, which is only two years after he was excluded from participation in the federal health care programs for a period of 11 years. The provider now faces a 17-count federal indictment with a possible sentence of 30 years in prison for conducting the health care fraud scheme.


It may be difficult to protect yourself from individuals like this New Jersey provider who explicitly sought to defraud the federal health care programs. Providers should, however, try to protect themselves by conducting monthly exclusion screening searches of their employees and contractors. Providers should also maintain proper records of these searches. States, like the federal government, are actively pursuing those who are in violation of federal health care regulations. Remember, compliance is always the best policy!

Are you taking the necessary precautions to ensure you are not working with an excluded entity? We know it can be difficult to screen every Federal and State exclusion list. Call Exclusion Screening at 1-800-294-0952 or fill out the form below to hear about our cost-effective solution and for a free quote and assessment of your needs.


Ashley Hudson

Ashley Hudson, Associate Attorney at Liles Parker, LLP and former Chief Operating Officer for Exclusion Screening, LLC, is the author of this article. Feel free to contact us at 1-800-294-0952 or online for a free consultation.